부정적 변인은 가급적 사용하지 말라고 배웠다. 우리는 HRD(Human Resource Development) 연구자니까, 종속변인의 정적영향을 위한 연구를 해야 한다고. 그렇다면 종속변인에 부적영향을 끼치는 변인을 조절하면 되지 않을까? 그래서, 독재적 리더십을 연구해보기로 했다 :)
독재적 리더십은 Autocratic Leadership으로 쓰인다. 처음 논문주제를 구상할 때, 독성리더십을 변인으로 사용하고자 했으나 선행연구 검토 결과 독성리더십의 긍정적 효과가 증명되고 인적자원관리에 반드시 필요한 리더십 역량으로도 취급되는 등 부적변인으로 판단하기에 어려움이 있다는 걸 알았다. 그래서 '독재성'이 강조된 독재적 리더십을 포커싱하기로 했다.
더불어 독재적리더십의 측정문항들이 다소 권한통제의 부적영향력에 대한 설명이 부족하다 판단되어, 독성리더십의 자기주도적 의사결정의 일부와 부정적 상호작용 및 태도에 대한 일부 문항을 조작적 정의해 보고자 한다.
기초가 되는 원 문항은 아래와 같다.
De Hoogh, A. H., Den Hartog, D. N., & Koopman, P. L. (2004). De Ontwikkeling van de CLIO: Een Vragenlijst voor Charismatisch Leiderschap in Organisaties. Gedrag & Organisatie, 17(5), 354-382.
차원 | 문항 |
Charismatic and Empowering Leadership | 1. Talk to employees about what is important to them. |
2. Encourages employees to think about problems in new ways. | |
3. Has a vision and a picture of the future. | |
4. Is always looking for new opportunities for the organization. | |
5. Encourages employees to think independently. | |
6. Involves employees in decisions that are important to their work. | |
7. Encourages employees to develop their talents as much as possible. | |
8. Gives employees the feeling of working on an important, common mission. | |
9. Shows conviction in his/her ideals, beliefs, and values. | |
10. Delegates challenging responsibilities to employees. | |
11. Is reliable in fulfilling his/her commitments. | |
Transactional Leadership | Adheres to the saying “only intervene when necessary.” |
2. Ensures that the conditions are created so that employees can do their work well. | |
3. Attaches great importance to clear agreements and fair rewards. | |
4. Ensures that agreements are kept. | |
5. Criticizes employees only with good reason. | |
6. Evaluates new ideas very critically. | |
*Autocratic Leadership | 1. Is the boss and gives orders when it comes down to it. |
2. Acts decisively when necessary. | |
3. Does not tolerate dissenting opinions once a decision has been made. | |
4. Believes that ultimately there should be one person in charge. | |
5. Never loses sight of his/her own interests. | |
6. Makes no attempt to improve as long as the work meets the set requirements. | |
Passive Leadership | 1. Only takes action when problems become chronic. |
2. Avoids getting involved in time-consuming issues. | |
3. Talks to employees about what is important to them. | |
4. Ensures that the conditions are created so that employees can do their work well. |
Rast III, D. E., Hogg, M. A., & Giessner, S. R. (2013). Self-uncertainty and support for autocratic leadership. Self and Identity, 12(6), 635-649.
차원 | 문항 |
Self-Uncertainty | 1. I am uncertain about myself. |
2. I am uncertain about my future. | |
3. I am concerned about my future. | |
4. I am worried about my future. | |
5. I am uncertain about my place in the world. | |
6. I am worried about my place in the world. | |
7. I am concerned about my place in the world. | |
*Autocratic Leadership | 1. This leader makes decisions in an autocratic way. |
2. This leader often pushes his/her opinions. | |
3. This leader makes decisions alone without asking for suggestions. | |
4. This leader harshly tells subordinates what to do. | |
5. This leader is bossy and orders subordinates around. | |
6. This leader makes sure that his/her own interests are always met. | |
Leader Support | 1. This leader is very effective. |
2. This leader represents the interests of our organization very well. | |
3. This leader fits well at our organization. | |
4. I am likely to trust this leader as a leader of our organization. | |
5. I am a strong supporter of this leader. | |
6. This leader is a very favorable candidate for future leadership positions within our organization. | |
Leader Trust | 1. I trust this leader absolutely. |
2. I think this leader does the right things. | |
3. I think this leader is trustworthy. | |
4. This leader is very committed to the organization. | |
5. This leader wants the best for the organization. | |
6. This leader aims to gain benefits for all of the organization. | |
Leader Prototypicality | 1. This leader represents what is characteristic about other organizational members. |
2. This leader is a good example of the kind of people who work at my organization. | |
3. This leader stands for what people who work at my organization have in common. | |
4. This leader is very similar to most people at my organization. |
Schmidt, A. A. (2008). Development and validation of the Toxic leadership scale. University of Maryland, College Park ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2008.
차원 | 문항 |
Abusive Supervision | 1. Ridiculing subordinates. |
2. Holding subordinates responsible for tasks outside their job descriptions. | |
3. Is not considerate about subordinates’ commitments outside of work. | |
4. Speaks poorly about subordinates to other people in the workplace. | |
5. Publicly belittles subordinates. | |
6. Reminds subordinates of their past mistakes and failures.* | |
7. Tells subordinates they are incompetent | |
Authoritarian Leadership | 1. Controls how subordinates complete their tasks. |
2. Invades the privacy of subordinates. | |
3. Does not permit subordinates to approach goals in new ways.* | |
4. Will ignore ideas that are contrary to his/her own.* | |
5. Is inflexible when it comes to organizational policies, even in special circumstances. | |
6. Determines all decisions in the unit whether they are important or not. | |
Narcissism | 1. Having a sense of personal entitlement. |
2. Assumes that he/she is destined to enter the highest ranks of my organization. | |
3. Thinks that he/she is more capable than others. | |
4. Believes that he/she is an extraordinary person. | |
5. Thrives on compliments and personal accolades. | |
Self-Promotion | 1. Drastically changes his/her demeanor when his/her supervisor is present. |
2. Denies responsibility for mistakes made in his/her unit. | |
3. Will only offer assistance to people who can help him/her get ahead. | |
4. Accepts credit for successes that do not belong to him/her. | |
5. Acts only in the best interest of his/her next promotion. | |
Unpredictability | 1. Has explosive outbursts. |
2. Allows his/her current mood to define the climate of the workplace. | |
3. Expresses anger at subordinates for unknown reasons. | |
4. Allows his/her mood to affect his/her vocal tone and volume. | |
5. Varies in his/her degree of approachability. | |
6. Causes subordinates to try to “read” his/her mood. | |
7. Affects the emotions of subordinates when impassione. |
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