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[측정도구] 독성(Toxic) 리더십, 독재적 리더십 설문 측정문항

by 두지아 2024. 8. 28.

부정적 변인은 가급적 사용하지 말라고 배웠다. 우리는 HRD(Human Resource Development) 연구자니까, 종속변인의 정적영향을 위한 연구를 해야 한다고. 그렇다면 종속변인에 부적영향을 끼치는 변인을 조절하면 되지 않을까? 그래서, 독재적 리더십을 연구해보기로 했다 :)

독재적 리더십은 Autocratic Leadership으로 쓰인다. 처음 논문주제를 구상할 때, 독성리더십을 변인으로 사용하고자 했으나 선행연구 검토 결과 독성리더십의 긍정적 효과가 증명되고 인적자원관리에 반드시 필요한 리더십 역량으로도 취급되는 등 부적변인으로 판단하기에 어려움이 있다는 걸 알았다. 그래서 '독재성'이 강조된 독재적 리더십을 포커싱하기로 했다.
더불어 독재적리더십의 측정문항들이 다소 권한통제의 부적영향력에 대한 설명이 부족하다 판단되어, 독성리더십의 자기주도적 의사결정의 일부와 부정적 상호작용 및 태도에 대한 일부 문항을 조작적 정의해 보고자 한다. 
기초가 되는 원 문항은 아래와 같다. 
De Hoogh, A. H., Den Hartog, D. N., & Koopman, P. L. (2004). De Ontwikkeling van de CLIO: Een Vragenlijst voor Charismatisch Leiderschap in Organisaties. Gedrag & Organisatie, 17(5), 354-382.

Charismatic and Empowering Leadership1. Talk to employees about what is important to them.
2. Encourages employees to think about problems in new ways.
3. Has a vision and a picture of the future.
4. Is always looking for new opportunities for the organization.
5. Encourages employees to think independently.
6. Involves employees in decisions that are important to their work.
7. Encourages employees to develop their talents as much as possible.
8. Gives employees the feeling of working on an important, common mission.
9. Shows conviction in his/her ideals, beliefs, and values.
10. Delegates challenging responsibilities to employees.
11. Is reliable in fulfilling his/her commitments.
Transactional LeadershipAdheres to the saying “only intervene when necessary.”
2. Ensures that the conditions are created so that employees can do their work well.
3. Attaches great importance to clear agreements and fair rewards.
4. Ensures that agreements are kept.
5. Criticizes employees only with good reason.
6. Evaluates new ideas very critically.
*Autocratic Leadership1. Is the boss and gives orders when it comes down to it.
2. Acts decisively when necessary.
3. Does not tolerate dissenting opinions once a decision has been made.
4. Believes that ultimately there should be one person in charge.
5. Never loses sight of his/her own interests.
6. Makes no attempt to improve as long as the work meets the set requirements.
Passive Leadership1. Only takes action when problems become chronic.
2. Avoids getting involved in time-consuming issues.
3. Talks to employees about what is important to them.
4. Ensures that the conditions are created so that employees can do their work well.

Rast III, D. E., Hogg, M. A., & Giessner, S. R. (2013). Self-uncertainty and support for autocratic leadership. Self and Identity, 12(6), 635-649.

Self-Uncertainty1. I am uncertain about myself.
2. I am uncertain about my future.
3. I am concerned about my future.
4. I am worried about my future.
5. I am uncertain about my place in the world.
6. I am worried about my place in the world.
7. I am concerned about my place in the world.
*Autocratic Leadership1. This leader makes decisions in an autocratic way.
2. This leader often pushes his/her opinions.
3. This leader makes decisions alone without asking for suggestions.
4. This leader harshly tells subordinates what to do.
5. This leader is bossy and orders subordinates around.
6. This leader makes sure that his/her own interests are always met.
Leader Support 1. This leader is very effective.
2. This leader represents the interests of our organization very well.
3. This leader fits well at our organization.
4. I am likely to trust this leader as a leader of our organization.
5. I am a strong supporter of this leader.
6. This leader is a very favorable candidate for future leadership positions within our organization.
Leader Trust1. I trust this leader absolutely.
2. I think this leader does the right things.
3. I think this leader is trustworthy.
4. This leader is very committed to the organization.
5. This leader wants the best for the organization.
6. This leader aims to gain benefits for all of the organization.
Leader Prototypicality1. This leader represents what is characteristic about other organizational members.
2. This leader is a good example of the kind of people who work at my organization.
3. This leader stands for what people who work at my organization have in common.
4. This leader is very similar to most people at my organization.

Schmidt, A. A. (2008). Development and validation of the Toxic leadership scale. University of Maryland, College ParkProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2008.

Abusive Supervision1. Ridiculing subordinates.
2. Holding subordinates responsible for tasks outside their job descriptions.
3. Is not considerate about subordinates’ commitments outside of work.
4. Speaks poorly about subordinates to other people in the workplace.
5. Publicly belittles subordinates.
6. Reminds subordinates of their past mistakes and failures.*
7. Tells subordinates they are incompetent
Authoritarian Leadership1. Controls how subordinates complete their tasks.
2. Invades the privacy of subordinates.
3. Does not permit subordinates to approach goals in new ways.*
4. Will ignore ideas that are contrary to his/her own.*
5. Is inflexible when it comes to organizational policies, even in special circumstances.
6. Determines all decisions in the unit whether they are important or not.
Narcissism1. Having a sense of personal entitlement.
2. Assumes that he/she is destined to enter the highest ranks of my organization.
3. Thinks that he/she is more capable than others.
4. Believes that he/she is an extraordinary person.
5. Thrives on compliments and personal accolades.
Self-Promotion1. Drastically changes his/her demeanor when his/her supervisor is present.
2. Denies responsibility for mistakes made in his/her unit.
3. Will only offer assistance to people who can help him/her get ahead.
4. Accepts credit for successes that do not belong to him/her.
5. Acts only in the best interest of his/her next promotion.
Unpredictability1. Has explosive outbursts.
2. Allows his/her current mood to define the climate of the workplace.
3. Expresses anger at subordinates for unknown reasons.
4. Allows his/her mood to affect his/her vocal tone and volume.
5. Varies in his/her degree of approachability.
6. Causes subordinates to try to “read” his/her mood.
7. Affects the emotions of subordinates when impassione.